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Hundert on the chopping block!

September 7th, 2024 by David

At first blush, German looks incredibly friendly to hunimal. Null, Ein, Svei, Drei Vear, Fumf, Sechs, Sieben (it’s ok, Sieb makes it sev easily), Acht Neun Zehn, Elf… But before long German takes a bad turn and gets deeply lost in multisyllabic disaster… I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised and Driezehn being thirteen but when twenty one (twun) shows as “Einundzwanzig” any decent Hunimalutionary should throw a red flag and stop proceedings.

I do not speak German, not even a little, so I have not opined and investigated. My dad spoke it but he had Parkinson’s and then died by the time Hunimal became a force in my life and I never got his opinion. Luckily Tiktok has intelligent visionaries willing to try some moves out on the language and without needing to change onte (which is the adorable “elf” in German) the teens proceed as possible










Here at twent we get a possible



Zreig (hard to say for most, perhaps better will occur)


Zunfg (again a question for pronunciation)






Now, I think some problems arise instantly but that is to be expected and now we have someone interested and educated in German working on the case. I believe we will have a working version this year, 2024. Suppose we don’t, we might have two competing versions or a dead end, still this is great and needed progress. It has been a long ime since I coined Cienimal en Espanol and the appetite Hunimal has for languages needs to be kept in our awareness. Many languages die during this era of colonial globalization. Hunimla refuses to let that happen by injecting cause for fresh words and additional speech in any language that exists or could exist. An alien visiting Earth would be interrogated about numbering systems and I would have hunimal translated into their language as soon as possible to show them what we can do. Hunimal in German can be Dertimal, which would be like Dredimal in English since Hundred is Hundert. Dertimal has been something I’ve been long hopeful for and I think we might soon have it. German kids suffering under the einundzwanzig agenda of decimation may soon be liberatable. Of course actual liberation requires more work but please forgive humble simplicity during early stages of things. Our community needs a win and Dertimal is so fresh and new it feels like it soon will be an undeniable one.

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