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Hunimal means Free Palestine.

July 28th, 2024 by David

I’d love to make this blog into a published book, but I have yet to find a suitable publisher. I want to make an impact. So I dedicate Hunimal to two imagined countries. One is Palestine, it never got to be a country yet it is held to Nation State Standards and NSS allow for wars with vast civilian losses. The other imagined country that I dedicate Hunimal towards is Nusrael, the New Israel that gives Palestinians full citizenship and equal rights. A Nusrae, that has no border with Gaza or the West Bank and has the blood of no innocent children on its hands. We can imagine these countries but we cannot bring them about without a lot of leg work but that is something hunimal happily does. Hunimal does the hard work of communicating a loving Numerican message, rekindling the soft power that bested the Soviet Union. Perhaps you disagree with me on some political matter or some other issue, but you must agree with me that Zo, Zun, Zoo, Zee is one way to count to three and that is the powerful message that hunimal brings. Communication forces thoughts and thoughts force activities. Hunimal will start by counting the dead, perhaps, but maybe it can continue by counting the free happy safe and equal people that inhabit future nation states in peace across the world. Maybe someday a Nusraeli child speaking English and Hebrew can speak with a Palestinian child who knows Arabic this great numbering system. A numbering system of peace and justice.

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