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High five everybody.

June 3rd, 2024 by David

My most recent exchange about this blog involved someone calling it a virulent racist rant. The power of the n-word, which I trapped using nerbing and niggerity as humanizing and our community, has a deeply dark(pardon the pun,) side to it where hate dipped in language stings. It hurts to hear it hurts to think it hurts to feel.

So receive this relief! your hand has this many fingers. two hands at zote, ten or net. a foot gives you three times five, fifteen, and three and five are crucial simple primes. Your second foot brings us to twent and next is an early and important square, twenty five. The first three primes multiplied gives you thirt and sev times five shows up next so you can see how rooted in primes the fives all are. Two cubed times five builds you a forty fortress and three squared leaves you at frive. A two and two fives gets you half way to hun and then lev (or onte or eleven) times five is fif. Next comes the crucial nexus of sextagessimal where clocks note the passing of seconds minutes and hours. threen times five is 65 and forn is two times sev.

I celebrate five with you not just because this is a homebase for a great deal of control over the numbers but also because it provides us easy and simple reasoning with which we can prime factor anything ending in a zero or five. vine snix sveen aint inte and twent times five finish off the smooth collection of small tools. Clap for this crucial set of numbers and witness how language spans love celebration fellowship hate and existence. What does five have to do with ranting on slurs? The fist we curl in anger at the hurt of judgment against our best sides reduces our extremity from five to one. One angry fighting word that justifies division and violence. Forgive me if thinking about this endlessly mesmerizes and helps the world get understood and tamed. I don’t seek to exacerbate but to alleviate and that is my sole reason for attending to any of these matters and my news for you, kind reader, is that you are fiveion things all at once in an intersectionality of thought. Your brain fingers more profoundly than your hand could ever achieve and each thought is real and important. Let those thoughts grow tools. Five is a crucial tool liike a hand and nerbing is a crucial tool like a tongue. Using reasoning we literally get to subjectively decide upon meaning and it is simply beautiful and perfect.

High hun, everybody and high six twive where we shape our fives into squares. High oneion, twoion, threeion, fourion and fiveion. The celebration multiplies and has just begun. Heal from the birth of these new approaches to ancient and vital tools you must accept. Five and words serve you loyally and without needs. Let’s do them justice and get a lot done. Back into the fray! Low long through side diagonup and over fives!

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